Snowglobe Box

Orders placed by 11am can be delivered locally or shipped same day.

Snowglobe Box
This gift box is a collection of unique Austin flavors.
It's a specialty holiday items that are sure to be enjoyed!


Cornucopia - Holiday Popcorn
Chinook Seedery - Roasted Giant Sunflower Seeds
AustiNuts - Christmas Tree Pretzels
AustiNuts - Chocolate Covered Almonds
Lammes Chocolate Bar
Snowglobe Box

 recyclable2.jpgThis keepsake box is constructed of corrugated paperboard, made with 75% recycled content, is renewable, recyclable and folds flat.

Our baskets are carefully packaged and tightly shrink-wrapped for freshness and security


For large orders or holiday pre-orders

Call us at 512-465-2323 or Start Your Order Inquiry

Click here to download our Excel Multiple Order Form

Send your completed form to: